Christel Ramirez

LoveLife Run | Amsterdam

Be my labpartner and let's 'Fight cancer' together

After six years of dedicating my life to fighting cancer in the lab, my labmates and I decided to switch gears from research to the track to support cancer research and contribute to advancing crucial work. I've witnessed how your support, big or small, significantly influences the progress we make as scientists in propelling cancer research forward. Are you interested in joining me on this mission? You can sponsor me through this page, 'Fight Cancer,' and I thank you for your donations!

My Achievements

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Blog bericht geschreven

Profielfoto toegevoegd

Streefbedrag gehaald

Streefbedrag hoger dan €500

Team gemaakt

Eerste 5 donaties binnen!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ingomar Paz



Johan Zwennes


Angelo Ramirez

Positive initiative. Succes



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